Haley Pavic


a sign that says "what's your story"
Engaging Funders Through Narrative: Storytelling in Grant WritingMost prospective grant writers are aware of what makes grant writing more complex than other forms of writing. Grant writing is a multi-step process structured by several rules and guidelines. You must know key historical data, do in-depth research, and prove why your nonprofit deserves a grant more...
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woman making a heart with her hands; getting through hard times
What to Do When You’re Going Through Hard timesMost of us have gone through hard times in one way or another. Maybe we’ve lost a loved one, faced a big failure in school or at work, or found ourselves overwhelmed by everything happening around us. Truly, life doesn’t always go our way and sometimes it...
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woman working from home at a no phone, fully remote job
What are No Phone, Fully Remote Jobs?If you’ve been on social media or job boards lately, you may have seen people searching for “no phone, fully remote” jobs. This type of position has become a holy grail for some individuals who don’t like more traditional career paths. For some, these preferences might seem extreme or...
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worker upset with her dry promotion
The Dreaded Dry PromotionIf you’re not familiar with the term “dry promotion,” you may have still received one. In fact, many, if not most, of us have been given a dry promotion before. The term refers to when an employee is given extra duties and responsibilities without a raise. Employees are not just asked to...
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a bad manager reprimanding his employee; bad managers are everywhere
Why are Bad Managers Everywhere?Bad managers are everywhere, regardless of what field you work in. They micromanage, undermanage, schedule poorly, hire bad workers, and cop an attitude when faced with criticism. Truly, if you’ve worked in more than a couple of jobs you’ve likely worked under a bad manager.These bad employees have a profound effect...
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art class, artists need college
Why Artists Need CollegeMany artists don’t see a reason to go to college. In fact, there’s a stereotype that higher education stifles creativity and can negatively affect progress. In reality, college can help artists of all kinds improve their craft, learn vital skills, and expand their skill set. Few of us are born with natural...
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happy employees at a healthy workspace
Importance of a Healthy WorkplaceMost of us probably have read or know from experience what makes a toxic workplace “toxic.” Poor management, bad structure, and low employee morale all build into a ticking time bomb that can mean death for a company. But what makes a healthy workplace healthy and how do we get there?...
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woman in a toxic workplace, bored at laptop
Impacts of a Toxic WorkplaceA toxic workplace can damage a company in many ways. Employees leave, profits decline, and they earn a bad reputation. Truly, when morale drops, the people in charge of keeping everything running properly put in less effort. They are less motivated to fix broken things, seek out new tasks, and put...
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rage applying; phone with angry face
What You Should Know About Rage ApplyingYou may have seen the term “rage applying” getting thrown around online lately. It is used to describe a newly visible trend of (mostly) young adults mass applying to new positions after a bad day, week, or month, at their current job. Notably, they’ll deal with an especially bad...
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