

a woman writing personal essays
The Point of Personal EssaysFor those who have a story or lesson to tell or share with the world, personal essays can be a great outlet. Unlike academic essays, personal essays provide an opportunity for self-expression and storytelling. Academic writing often asks students to remove themselves from the paper, speak with authority, and use outside...
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keys to a rental property
Importance of Tenant Relationship ManagementThousands of people every year take their first step into the world of real estate management, hoping to start their portfolio and earn some extra income. However, most discover that real estate management isn’t quite the passive income they were hoping for. A lot goes into being a good landlord or...
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woman grant writing for nonprofits
Why Grant Writing for Nonprofits is ImportantNonprofit organizations, as their name implies, don’t earn money like normal businesses. Legally, they cannot rely on sales or paid-for services, known as unrelated business activities, to maintain their nonprofit status. Instead, they must earn their income through “related business activities” which are events related to their mission statement....
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a sign that says "what's your story"
Engaging Funders Through Narrative: Storytelling in Grant WritingMost prospective grant writers are aware of what makes grant writing more complex than other forms of writing. Grant writing is a multi-step process structured by several rules and guidelines. You must know key historical data, do in-depth research, and prove why your nonprofit deserves a grant more...
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art class, artists need college
Why Artists Need CollegeMany artists don’t see a reason to go to college. In fact, there’s a stereotype that higher education stifles creativity and can negatively affect progress. In reality, college can help artists of all kinds improve their craft, learn vital skills, and expand their skill set. Few of us are born with natural...
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graduate blowing confetti
One of the Biggest Benefits of Higher EducationGoing to college can change your life in many ways. From introducing you to new friends, careers, and hobbies to opening doors for new opportunities to making your childhood dreams possible, a degree can go a long way. Indeed, one of the biggest benefits of higher education is...
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sign that says "wrong way"
What to Do if You Think You Picked the Wrong DegreeEvery year, thousands of college students change their degree path. The change may be as simple as switching from childhood psychology to adolescent psychology or as extreme as switching from English to nuclear physics. Regardless, students realize that they picked the wrong degree and switch...
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Lao Tzu quote: The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Remember My First Year in CollegeAs I close in on the end of my master’s degree, I’ve been thinking about the start of my educational journey, almost ten years ago. I’ve now gone through three levels of degrees – associate, bachelor, and now master – but it feels like only yesterday I enrolled in College...
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laptop with espresso
Why Get a Grant Writing CertificatePart of what makes grant writing appealing is that you don’t need a formal education to succeed in the field. There is no minimum education requirement and many choose to work as freelancers. Yet, many new grant writers choose to earn their grant writing certificate.As many aspiring non-profits discover, writing...
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motivational speaking class
What You Can Learn from a Motivational Speaking Class Do you have a story that you think can move and help thousands of people? Have you always dreamed of using your words to change lives? If you answered yes, you may have the makings of a great motivational speaker. But you may not know how...
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