How to Find a Job You Love (a realistic amount)

dream job
how to find a job you love, dream job, job passion

How to Find a Job You Love

For many, finding a career they’re passionate about can be a difficult task. Individuals may not have the education level required or might be separated from a job by geography. Maybe the position they want is highly sought after, and it’s hard to break into the field. Many, however, simply don’t know what job they would enjoy. Truly, according to new 2022 statistics, only 20% of employees are passionate about their career.

In terms of a job that never feels like work, that ideal is rarely realistic. Work is work, and nothing will change that. However, finding a job you love can be life-changing. Working in a field you enjoy can improve your health and wellness, both mentally and physically.

Here are some tips on how to find a job you love.

Why Loving Your Job Matters

Loving your job makes your days easier and more enjoyable. Truly, getting up out of bed and looking forward to the day ahead would improve anyone’s life. However, there are more benefits than you might expect.

Better Productivity

One of the more obvious perks is a boost in your productivity at work. Truly, if you’re working at a job you love, you’ll want to do it. As a result, you’ll be inspired to work harder and earn promotions. Your overall productivity will go up, and your business will flourish.

Additionally, when you work in your dream job, the challenges feel less challenging. Consider the concept of intrinsic motivation. Simply, intrinsic motivation refers to actions you take for internal satisfaction. You may not care if you receive anything else for your work. Instead, you may even seek out other tasks on top of your workload.

Notably, intrinsic motivation does not mean taking a job that doesn’t pay you what you’re worth. Part of your dream job should include a livable wage. What that means is different for everyone.

Rather, when you’re working in a career you love, you’ll be happy to find new tasks to take on. For example, consider you’re working in a marketing position that you love. You come up with a new ad you want to implement. So, you take it upon yourself to get a budget approved, hire an artist, and publish it.

Workers who are unhappy in their position never get to that first stage. Instead, you were motivated to do the extra work and, chances are, your supervisor will notice the extra effort. As a result, you’re more likely to be considered for a promotion or raise.

A Happier & Healthier You

As we mentioned before, loving your job makes your life more enjoyable. Indeed, we’ve all had that job we dreaded getting up for the morning. Maybe you snoozed your alarm until the last minute, or you didn’t like your coworkers. Or, maybe your boss would give you more responsibilities than you could handle.

That sort of stress impacts our bodies in many ways. It can cause high blood pressure, headaches, and sleep issues. It also affects our mental health. Thus, staying at a job we hate quite literally hurts our bodies and minds.

Notably, no job is going to be perfect. You’ll have bad days or even weeks when working your dream job. Some projects will be overwhelming, and you won’t get along with every coworker. However, that’s all easier to get through when you like what you’re doing. Truly, you’ll have something to look forward to at the end of the project or day.

So, how do you find such a position? Keep reading to learn how to find a job you love.

Finding Your Dream Job

Everyone has their passion. Maybe it’s exercise or literature. Perhaps you love socializing or video games. When thinking about your dream job, you should always consider what you would enjoy doing day-to-day.

Here are a few tips on how to find a job you love by looking at your passions.

Consider Your Hobbies

You don’t need to turn your hobbies into your job. Honestly, many experts say you shouldn’t. Turning your hobby into a job can take the joy out of something you love. However, they’re a great place to start looking.

Consider if anything links your passions together. For example, if you love hanging out with friends and family, meeting new people, and posting online, you could excel in more social roles. Public speakers, social media managers, sales representatives, and real estate agents spend a lot of time communicating with and meeting new people.

Similarly, if you enjoy painting and creating art, you can consider careers such as art therapy or a gallery or museum curator.

Basically, you want to find a job field you’ll enjoy, but that won’t overtake your hobbies. Make sure you set boundaries between your personal life and career.

Online Assessments

Online tools such as career quizzes and assessments can be helpful when you’re not sure what direction you want to go in. There are thousands of different tests out there.

If you’re wondering how to find a job you love with quizzes, consider what goes into answering these questions. As silly as they sometimes are, each of these online tests asks you to look at yourself and your interests. They’ll ask you to consider what you enjoy doing, the type of person you are, what you hate, and more.

In the end, you’ll end up with a list of possible careers. Consider the responses even if you don’t see yourself doing exactly what your results say. Are there any factors in common? For example, if you got recommendations like construction work, electrician, and plumber, it sounds like you like to work with your hands. Or maybe you like the idea of putting a building together. You could look into architecture, home design, and more.

Quizzes have a limited number of responses they can give you. Thus, your dream job won’t always show up. However, they’re still valuable tools.

Try Things Out

Often, we’re not sure if we’ll like something until we try it. When you’re trying to figure out how to find your dream job, you need to know if you’ll enjoy the position. When looking for a dream job, hopping careers every few months isn’t feasible. However, there are a variety of ways to test the waters.

1. Internships and Job Shadowing

If you have the opportunity, you should consider an internship. Internships are a hands-on way to determine if a field or company is for you. Sometimes, these positions are very competitive, making it difficult to get in. However, if you’re truly invested, these jobs are a great opportunity to get a foothold in the industry.

On the other hand, job shadowing is usually done for a single day. When you shadow a professional, you’ll get the chance to see their day-to-day schedule, ask questions, and start building your network.

2. Events

You can attend career networking events both online and in person. Sometimes, admission comes with a fee. You should search the web to find out if there are any events for your field. Look into trade shows, conferences, exhibitions, and webinars. Additionally, watch forums specific to a job field. There may be events out there that aren’t widely advertised.

Webinars may give you access to lecturers from around the country or even the world. They’re also more likely to have cheap or free admission. However, they have limited networking opportunities.

On the other hand, in-person events may require more travel and can be more expensive. In return, you’ll get the opportunity to watch demos, view or receive sample products, and talk to experts one-on-one. While these events are less accessible, you get a lot out of them. In the end, consider your budget and see if you can attend.

Additionally, if you want to learn more about many careers, consider job fairs. Job fairs pop up regularly across the country. Businesses and schools often host their own, and sometimes cities will host larger fairs to help improve employment rates.

3. Ask Around

Nowadays, you don’t need to leave the house to build your network. Consider signing up on LinkedIn and getting involved on social media. You can find a variety of experts online that will be happy to answer any questions you have. Thus, don’t be afraid to reach out and see what a day in the life is like for a paralegal or veterinarian or whatever your dream job may be.

You will likely be able to find a blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account for your dream job. Go through their posts and videos. Chances are, you’ll learn something about the field that you didn’t know before.

Research the Possibilities

Do you know what field you want to work in but not what job you want? It’s time to do some research.

Maybe you want to work with animals, but you know you don’t want to be a veterinarian, trainer, or groomer. You can find jobs such as animal massage therapists, wildlife relocation specialists, and wildlife biologists with some research. You may even consider a pet photographer position!

Basically, when people think about certain job fields, certain jobs will come to mind. However, there are positions we just don’t hear about too often. For example, how many people have you met with the job of snake milker?

If you stick to the basics, you may never find your dream job. So, if you’re wondering how to find a job you love, do your research.

Figure Out What It’ll Take to Get a Job You’ll Love

For some jobs, you’ll need to prepare in advance. For example, you may need job experience or a certificate or degree. These factors should be the first things you look into once you have your field.

New Skills

Sometimes, you may need to build new skills to get a job you love. Nowadays, you can take cheap or free online courses through platforms like Udemy. Many colleges also offer certificate programs that cost less and take less time than a degree. Furthermore, your current employer may offer training programs to help you move up in your job.

Of course, you can always build skills on your own. Use online resources and books to improve your abilities. However, you need to be prepared to prove your skills to an employer.


Notably, many companies are removing degree requirements from entry-level positions. For many, this is great news as jobs become more accessible. However, to rise in the ranks, you may still need to earn a four-year degree or higher. Additionally, fields such as medicine, technology, and more almost always require their employees to have a degree.

Make sure you know what you need for your dream position. But don’t be afraid to ask your supervisor or HR department if you can get promoted through experience. Companies often fill roles internally and can have different requirements for their employees.

As a final note, even if a job doesn’t require a degree, you may find that higher education will get you higher pay. For example, managers with an MBA earn around $29,000 more than managers with a bachelor’s degree.

Entry Level Jobs

You’ll need to start at the bottom and work your way up for many positions. Don’t be discouraged by entry level positions. Indeed, changing careers will put you back at the bottom in most cases. You shouldn’t leave just because you’re frustrated that you didn’t start at the top. With time and training, you’ll make your way up to your dream job.

Notably, if you find you can’t move up, you should ask your supervisor how to get that next position. You might need training, or their policy may require a certain amount of time in a job. However, sometimes, you may need to change companies.

Don’t be afraid to find a new firm to work for if you’re not getting what you need. When you’re looking into how to find your dream job, you should know your first try may not be your last try. Sometimes, companies don’t work out. Always look for a position and a business that fits your needs.

What if I Don’t Have a Dream Job?

If you don’t have a dream job, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Sometimes, our passion lies elsewhere. Maybe it falls in a hobby, with family, or in travel. Not everyone has a dream job. However, finding a career you love, or at least like, can greatly improve your quality of life.

Think of the environment you want instead of considering the specific field or a job title. Look at the other factors that make up a dream job. Do you want to work from home? Do you want to work part-time or full-time? How much do you need to get paid to live comfortably? Do you work better with a team or on your own?

Even if the field you work in isn’t your passion, you can still find a job you enjoy.

Final Thoughts

Life is hard enough without spending a third of the day at a job you hate. In today’s day and age, people have a lot on their plate. Finding a dream job might be put on the back burner for other responsibilities. Indeed, you should do what is best for you and your loved ones. But when you’re unhappy, you should never stop looking at your options.

Turn on notifications on job postings sites. Stay in touch with your contacts. If you find an opportunity to get into your desired field or become a part of something you love, consider taking a chance.

More and more jobs are removing educational barriers for their entry-level positions. Additionally, having a strong network can help you find positions that are never posted online. So, keep an eye on the job market and stay up-to-date on your field. You just might find yourself applying to the career of your dreams tomorrow.

As you look for a new career, consider these tips on how to find your dream job.