8 Tips for Maximizing Your Study Time in an Accredited Online MBA


Embarking on an accredited online MBA can be both exciting and overwhelming. Balancing study time with other responsibilities requires strategic planning. Here are some friendly tips to help you maximize your study time and achieve success.
A Woman in White Long Sleeve Shirt Using a Laptop

1. Crafting a Personalized Study Schedule

Creating a tailored study schedule is essential. It helps in allocating dedicated time slots for learning while accommodating your personal and professional responsibilities. Begin by assessing your peak productivity hours and aligning study periods accordingly. For instance, if you’re more productive in the mornings, consider tackling complex topics during that time. To make your schedule effective, integrate reminders using digital tools or planners to maintain consistency. Scheduling tools like Google Calendar can be handy for this purpose as they allow you to set alerts and remain committed to your personalized routine.

2. Creating a Distraction-Free Study Environment

Setting up a dedicated study space can significantly boost concentration. Ensure your environment is free from distractions to maintain focus during study sessions. Start by choosing a quiet corner in your home and optimize it with comfortable seating and good lighting. Additionally, turning off notifications and organizing study materials in advance can further fortify your environment against interruptions. Personal touches, like a plant or a motivational poster, can also transform your study area into an inspiring place. For more tips on establishing the right environment, check out the latest insights from Lakewood University.

3. Utilizing Online Resources Effectively

Explore and use various online resources that can enhance your understanding of course materials. From webinars to online libraries, many tools are at your disposal. Start by identifying resources that align with your syllabus. Websites like Coursera and Khan Academy offer rich content to supplement your learning. Furthermore, platforms such as Grammarly can refine your writing skills, ensuring your submissions are polished. By leveraging these resources, you can dive deeper into complex topics at your own pace and convenience. Keep an eye on Lakewood News for updates on recommended tools and resources beneficial to your studies.

4. Engaging with Classmates Virtually

Even in an online setting, building connections with classmates can enrich your learning experience. Participate in virtual study groups or forums to share knowledge and ideas. These engagements can simulate the in-person group study sessions, promoting a better understanding of the curriculum through diverse perspectives. Confused about an assignment? A quick message in the group might get you several solutions. Platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams are great to host these study meets. Being part of such a community not only supports academic growth but also offers emotional support during challenging times. Furthermore, networking within your cohort can be beneficial professionally after completing your MBA.

5. Setting Achievable Goals

Break down your coursework into manageable chunks and set realistic goals. This approach helps in maintaining motivation and tracking progress effectively. Instead of aiming to finish an entire module in one sitting, opt for smaller, feasible targets. For instance, dedicate a few hours to reading a chapter or completing a set of exercises. This technique not only prevents overwhelming yourself but also provides a clear roadmap of your academic journey. Alongside, regularly evaluating these goals ensures that you can adjust plans as needed, staying on track without falling behind. Remember, consistency in achieving small goals leads to substantial progress over time.

6. Taking Regular Study Breaks

Incorporate regular breaks into your study routine to avoid burnout. Short breaks can rejuvenate your mind, enhancing productivity and retaining information better. Aim to follow periods of studying with breaks involving activities you love, be it a short walk, a snack, or some mindfulness exercises. This method, often termed the Pomodoro Technique, suggests studying for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break, promoting sustained focus. During breaks, consider stepping away from screens to rest your eyes and mind. Embracing such practices ensures that you remain mentally agile while managing intensive study sessions effectively. Adapt these breaks according to your needs for the best outcomes.

7. Reaching Out for Academic Support

Don’t hesitate to seek help from professors or academic advisors if you encounter challenges. Online MBA programs often have resources readily available to support your academic journey. Whether it’s a conceptual issue or a submission outlook, a quick email or scheduled discussion can clarify doubts. Many universities offer virtual office hours or online drop-in sessions, ensuring you have accessible support whenever needed. Moreover, dedicated advisement sections within your study platform may offer quick guidance tailored to specific subjects. For extended resources and more insight on academic support, feel free to navigate through Lakewood University’s recent blog posts.

8. Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Balancing study, work, and personal life is crucial. Prioritize self-care and relaxation to maintain mental and physical well-being while pursuing your degree. Start by delineating clear boundaries between work and study hours to prevent overlap. Moreover, engaging in leisure activities or hobbies outside of your rigorous MBA schedule can be revitalizing. Simple practices, like scheduling downtime or setting weekend unplug hours, can restore energy and passion in your pursuits. It’s essential to remind yourself that while your MBA journey is important, preserving your holistic health ensures long-term success. By incorporating these practices, you nurture a foundation to thrive academically and personally globally.