9 Benefits of Group Fitness Classes for Your Health

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9 Benefits of Group Fitness Classes for Your Health

In group fitness programs instructors guide classes to improve their health and fitness. These courses provide accountability and direction for everyone.

The sense of community and regular schedule creates accountability. Truly, having a class setting has been shown in studies to assist adults in achieving their fitness goals. For example, having a set schedule prevents procrastination. You can’t put off your workout unless you’re willing to lose the money you spent on the course. Additionally, group settings encourage friendships and workout partners. These relationships not only give you something extra to look forward to, but also provide motivation.

Furthermore, you’ll get to reap the benefits of learning a from a professional instructor. When you’re on your own, it’s difficult to check your form or get into new workouts. A professional will aid you and correct your form to maximize your workout and help you avoid injury. 

Often, gyms label their courses by difficulty. However, many class settings give learning opportunities for all fitness levels. Both experts and beginners benefit from the community and the course. Thus, whether you’re new to the gym or just seeking a change of pace, a group fitness program will help you.

Keep reading to learn about the advantages of group fitness courses and why working out with others is preferable to working out alone.

Benefits of Group Fitness Classes

1) Find Inspiration and Motivation

Having people by your side to cheer you on provides some of the most effective motivation to keep going. Also, having peers at different levels than you can provide inspiration. You can see what others are doing and what they have achieved and strive to get that for yourself. Even better, you can see what they’re doing and ask what worked for them. 

Additionally, you don’t have to worry about being the best in a group workout class. Notably, we all excel in different areas. You may be able to lift more while a classmate can run further. Allow yourself to be inspired rather than intimidated by this!

When you witness someone lifting heavier or going quicker than you, use it as motivation. Furthermore, ask them for guidance. You may be able to help them in return.

2) Learn Proper Form from Experts

Trainers are one of the most important benefits of any exercise class. Truly, hiring your own professional trainer is expensive and inaccessible for many. Working out in a group is a great middle-ground for hiring a personal trainer. You still reap the same benefits of having a professional with the bonus of meeting your peers. Also, group fitness programs are often more affordable and widely available.

In a group class, you get to see a professional demonstrate appropriate forms for each motion. Plus, if your condition is improper, the trainers will assist you in correcting it. You also get the opportunity to ask questions and speak to your instructor during class time.

3) Become a Member of a Group

Being part of a community can be pretty helpful. For one, you receive support and guidance from people on the same path. Even if you’re not all on the same level, everyone is working towards the same general thing: getting healthy. 

As we’ve mentioned before, you also benefit from your group members’ experience and expertise. Some people maybe have been working out for years or even decades. They might have taken several other classes. You can benefit from their knowledge. For example, they likely have different ways to keep themselves on track and motivated. 

Furthermore, the accountability groups provide is priceless. If you have someone waiting for you, you won’t want to let them down. 

4) Keep Changing Your Training Routine

Repeating the same moves can become monotonous. Not only can it make your routine dull, but it can also impede your progress. One of the most significant ways to avoid plateauing is to mix up your workout. Without a doubt, group exercise classes are a great way to do just that.

Varied trainers offer different teaching approaches. Thus, even if you discover a favorite class, it won’t get boring no matter how many times you go.

Also, there are classes out there for just about any workout. You can learn to move every part of your body and development a holistic workout plan. Furthermore, you figure out what you like. Maybe you thought lifting was your thing, but you find you truly love spin class. 

5) Be Accountable to Yourself

Going to the gym proves challenging to many people. Honestly, many fall off their workout plan because they find it difficult to keep to a schedule. Maybe you want to sleep in that day and then the next. You figure you’ll get back into the next week, but Monday rolls around and you really want those five extra minutes again. It’s easy to come up with a workout plan, but it can really feel impossible to keep it.

Most group workout sessions need to reserve your space ahead of time. Thus, you’ll likely need to pay in advance. If you cancel at the last minute, you’ll lose that fee. Knowing that you invested in yourself and the program will motivate you to stay in your workout routine. Truly, no one wants to lose their money just because they didn’t get out of bed.

6) Lose Weight Sustainably

Thousands of people in the United States struggle to lose weight. A group fitness class can help you start a weight loss journey and teach you how to maintain an active lifestyle. More goes into weight loss than burning calories by running. Most people expect cutting food is enough.

However, diets can’t be permanent, as a lower calorie intake is not only dangerous, but can result in weight gain itself. This is due to the fact that your metabolism decreases over time when you’re not eating enough. Additionally, diets often result in rebound weight gain, where people’s bodies return to the pre-diet size when they increase calorie intake. Sometimes, people find themselves gaining even more than before.

Thus, learning how to build a sustainable workout plan helps you to lose weight and more importantly, build your maintenance plan. 

7) Reduce Your Risk of Disease

Exercising every week can lower your risk of several diseases, disorders, and injuries. For example, inactive people are at higher risk of breaking a hip later in life. Additionally, exercise can reduce your risk of heart disease. Heart disease, along with stroke, is one of the primary causes of death. Thus, exercises not only allow you to live a longer life, but also increase your quality of life. 

Furthermore, some cancers are more common in individuals who lead an inactive lifestyle. According to a study published in the JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, sedentary lifestyles are possibly linked to a higher risk of colon, lung, and endometrial cancers.

8) Make Friends

Adults find it more challenging to make friends. It used to be simple to go to school and make friends on the playground. However, we must now actively seek social relationships. Being part of a group is a great way to find people you get along with. You already have one thing in common: the desire to be healthier.

As you spend more time with your group, you’ll get to know one another. You may even find yourself wanting to do more outside of the classroom. Alternatively, you might meet someone you want to attend more classes with.

Either way, group fitness courses are a great place to meet like-minded people. You never know who might be on the next bike over. 

9) Push Yourself

Last but not least, joining a group exercise class allows you to challenge yourself. As we mentioned before, you’ll meet individuals who will know more than you in certain areas. You can try to match their skill level. Additionally, you can engage in friendly competition. Maybe your instructor will set a goal for the month or create weekly challenges.

Furthermore, taking a group class can help you challenge yourself by attempting something new. You can try a new exercise you’ve always wanted, such as a HIIT workout. New workouts can engage muscles you haven’t used in other workouts.

Most importantly, you will learn more about yourself by trying something new. Perhaps you expected to like yoga but fell in love with kickboxing instead.

Final Thoughts

You’ll have fun and benefit greatly from group fitness programs. You’ll learn a ton from working with a group of people who want to better their health.

Additionally, you may find yourself wanting to be more involved in the fitness community. You can share your valuable knowledge and expertise with a course of your own. If you’re looking for the next step in your fitness journey, consider teaching.

The Group Fitness Certificate program at Lakewood University provides superior fitness knowledge backed by empirical data and trained instructors. You’ll learn how to run your own group fitness course from the comfort of your home. Graduates are also entitled to sit for various nationally recognized certifications after graduation.

The Lakewood University Group Fitness Certificate program lays the groundwork for aspiring group fitness instructors to earn the skills and information they need to succeed.